Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Britney Spears spent the weekend in Las Vegas

Britney Spears always have problem with the way its drive. After several times have dealing with police because is bumping someone’s car, Britney Spears have to patient awaited certainty to got the driving licenses or not.

That problem singer has to wait up to week to know does she will keep get his license again related of its probation to the misdemeanor that she does.

In that regard, at Tuesday, 2 September morning yesterday, Britney Spears’s lawyer, Michael Flanagan asked the judge of Los Angeles head justice, James A Steele to give certainty to his client case. That thing is believed by the law sovereignty of Gimme More that pursuant to judge review concerning the ins and outs that problem.

Be like borrowed write from the Showbizspy, Wednesday (3/9/2008), Britney Spears involve the case punish cause she founded drive a car with expire licence when the police asking it on the accident.

For that law case, Judge Steele agrees to crosscheck that Kevin Federline ex-wife case and make decision concerning possibility of probation by the end of this week.

If judge set mind on to bring Britney Spears to the justice, that probation will apply mid shall October come.

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